A web-based and paper-free way to take care of your company's financial matters
Taloushallinto Wiik offers electronic financial management services to clients in Kemijärvi, Rovaniemi, Lapland and everywhere else in Finland. Our electronic financial management is a modern, environmentally friendly and a fast way to take care of your financial matters.
In short, the biggest advantages of electronic financial management are the efficiency of time management and everything happening real-time. Take a look at our e-sujuva electronic service package, where different fields of financial management are seamlessly combined.
Outsource your payroll administration to us
You can easily outsource your payroll administration entirely to us. We take care of salary calculation and payments, as well as letters of references, salary certificates and other payroll administration routines, reliably and with competence.
Our payroll administration expertise is based on profound knowledge of collective labour agreements of various fields and familiarity with laws regulating employment relationships. Our competence brought by several years of experience is at your service.
All legal declarations regarding payroll administration are part of the service, automatically and reliably.

The electronic purhcase invoices arrive directly into our system and then to you for approval. By one click of the mouse you can take care of approving the invoice and the entire payment process - easily and reliably.

By Web invoice you can send invoices as web invoices, by email or in paper version. The sales invoices are registered in the accounting real-time without any additional treatment and unnecessary expenses,

Besides the receipts, the agreements, proceedings and other important documents are electronically archived in the system. Our archiving services ensure that you can concentrate on your business and you don't need to worry about maintaining your data - you can say goodbye to all the heavy paper folders that so difficult to browse.

You can also outsource your payroll administration entirely to us online. Your employees can insert their work hour data directly in the electronic system. The salary calculations will be available in the employee's online bank and salary payment will be automatic.

In e-sujuva your accounting is always up to date. You can control your sales reports, purchase invoices or accounting reports wherever and whenever you want.
An expert with the KLT degree at your service
In our company, there is a manager with the KLT degree.
KLT is a highly valued expert level degree and a sign of great professional skill. This way we can guarantee that our electronic financial management is always of high quality.
You can read more about the KLT degree on the website of Taloushallintoliitto (Financial Management Association of Finland).